Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A-L's Owner...

Also known as Immi and Emily. Poor choice, Emily, poor choice. Why did you choose Immi to own this A-L with you when there are other worthy users who deserve it way more than her. She hasn't done anything for the past clubs except post about herself for attention or something stupid to get laughs wich most of the times FAIL.

Emily, at the moment, is doing a great job not being active which is the way the old and original A-L was. But Immi is ruining it by posting for "manager spot for a week" and crap like that. She just needs to give it up and stop trying so hard.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Well, what can we say about this girl? Sweet, kind, very stylish.. but what the hell was she thinking when she chose her lips for her doll?

What does this make you think of? Could it possibly be "Concelear Lips" aka Tylerisbold, commonly called Tylerisbald? These are awful on her doll, and if she is reading this right now, I'd advise her to change them, for the love of God, please change them. They look horrid, and she could have such a pretty medooll without those concealer lips. Look out, you don't want to be in my burn book.